Welcome to TimeTec Global Reseller Program, a well-tailored effective program that helps resellers ride on the trend of Cloud computing and embrace a great opportunity for growth. The program is brief and straightforward with clear objectives; to conclude sales in no time, and to reduce support cost for a more profitable operation. Get all the resources you need from the 8 cloud applications, and make your involvement with TimeTec fulfilling and rewarding.
1 |
Ample free trial period where TimeTec offers up to 30 days no-obligation free trial to prospective customers, providing them with generous amount of time to carry out feasibility study. |
2 |
Each customer gets some free licenses for life, a strategy to attract and ensure confidence in them and eventually initiate sales for you. |
3 |
One reseller platform and a single sign-on medium for different TimeTec applications for monitoring and management of your customers’ accounts, statuses and you can also review your earning details all at once. |
4 |
Event Sponsorship Program is available to provide you with marketing support. |
5 |
Professional looking sales and marketing materials like presentation kits, sample proposals and etc made available at TimeTec marketing resource center that you can access online. |
6 |
Strong support platform to back you up with e-learning, webinars, technical troubleshooting tips, 24/7/365 technical support, and a lot more without additional cost to sustain your customers and eliminate support cost. |
7 |
Wide multilingual availability that includes English, Arabic, Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Spanish and many more to cater to different language preferences around the world. |
8 |
Auto-matchmaking platform designed to connect you with the prospective customers in your region. |
9 |
Auto-mailer system that can assist you in following up your sales and reduce the cost of sales. |
Added Advantages |
Zero investments |
Income generating even when you're asleep |
20 - 40% and life long profit sharing |
Recurring subscription sales |
Prepayment terms & absence of bad debt |
Easy to support |
Suitable Program Applicants |
IT companies |
Workforce management system providers |
Security products vendors |
Individual agents who want extra money |
How to Become a TimeTec Reseller? |
Visit , choose either TimeTec Suite A or Suite B cloud applications (or both) that you're interested in. Fill up the online partner program form and submit |
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Visit and tap on our Marketing Resource Center to help you in sales and marketing |
Start your cloud business and enjoy the benefits of TimeTec Global Reseller Program |
Time & Attendance Management System |
Guard Tour Management System |
Talent Recruitment System |
Employee Leave Management System |
Visitor Management System |
Mobile Workforce Management System |
Cloud Surveillance System |
Smart Residential Community |