TimeTec has merged all of its solutions into www.timeteccloud.com, click to |
A Maximum Of 14 Columns of Records for Viewing And Checking Provides an option to capture attendance records with only "first in and last out" or details with each break time interval. This allows employers to gauge their workforce efficiency by generating the work time, overtime, and tardiness data. |
Filter Viewing Options Presents various options to suit your viewing preference. Choose to view attendance records based on timeline, user, department, section, branch and etc. |
Modification of Attendance Records Allows modification of attendance records accordingly to correct some discrepancies while having the original records stored in the server for future reference. Attendance records cannot be erased permanently from the TimeTec TA. |
Remark Field for Attendance Records with Reason or Descriptions Provides a Remark field for administrator to input excuses for tardiness. For employees with multitasking jobs, management can enter comments in the Remark field with description of the task(s) performed during the period. |
Highlight Tardiness and Edited Attendance Records Allows you to highlight every tardiness such as late-in, early-out, extended break time in a red font and edited attendance records are apparent with bold font. |